FEDERICO II University of Naples (ITALY) and PARIS XII University (UPEC) present 3 International University Diplomas (Advanced Courses) in collaboration:
MICROSURGERY DIPLOMA - DU de Techniques Microchirurgicales (DUTM) that takes place every year in Paris (13-21 November 2023), and in Naples, Italy (24 JUNE-5JULY 2024).
Oncoplastic Surgery and Breast Reconstruction Diploma (DU BREAST)
Genital Aesthetic Plastic Reconstructive-Regenerative Surgery (DU GAPS)
For University Diplomas taking place in Paris, the selection process relies on the submission of a curriculum vitae and a motivation letter addressed to Professor Simone La Padula. Eligibility for diploma enrollment will be determined through a merit-based ranking system.
As for University Diplomas - Advanced Courses hosted at the University of Federico II in Naples, selection is contingent upon candidates' relevant qualifications. Prospective students are required to participate in a competitive application process. Information regarding the release of application details will be posted on this website. For any inquiries, kindly reach out to Professor Simone La Padula, who serves as the Coordinator for these three University Diplomas
INFO Professor Simone La Padula
Inscriptions/Registration/Iscrizione MICROSURGERY DIPLOMA (PARIS)
email: dufmc.fc@u-pec.fr
tel : 01 49 81 35 01
UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA BREAST: Oncoplastic Surgery and Breast Reconstruction
🇮🇹 Il Corso ha come obiettivo quello di fornire conoscenze su: anatomia e fisiologia della ghiandola mammaria, le linee guida sul trattamento del carcinoma mammario con le più recenti strategie terapeutiche mediche e chirurgiche, le tecniche di oncoplastica, le differenti indicazioni alla ricostruzione mammaria e le differenti metodiche di ricostruzione mammaria post-oncologica. L’obiettivo principale del corso è quello di illustrare tutte le metodiche di ricostruzione mammaria oggi disponibili, l'importanza di una chirurgia ricostruttiva custom-made, le indicazioni all’impiego dei tessuti autologhi e a quello delle protesi. Particolare attenzione sarà posta all’impiego del lembo microchirurgico DIEP, agli altri lembi perforanti ed al lembo gran dorsale muscle sparing. I corsi teorici saranno integrati da live surgery. La faculty è composta da esperti internazionali di ricostruzione mammaria. I corsi saranno in lingua inglese ed italiana. Gli studenti alla fine del corso saranno in grado di porre le giuste indicazioni l’intervento chirurgico, e capaci di scegliere quale tecnica è la più adeguata al caso specifico.
Articolazione del percorso formativo:
1) lezioni, laboratori, esercitazioni in:
- Anatomia e patologia mammaria
- Chirurgia ricostruttiva della mammella, tecniche di chirurgia conservativa, Skin Reducing Nipple Sparing Mastectomy
- Oncologia mammaria
- Lipofilling e rischio oncologico correlato
- Chirurgia conservativa del tumore al seno.
2) Attività formative di tipo individuale: tirocinio / stage / seminari.
University Coordinator
and Scientific Director
Simone La Padula MD; PhD;FEBOPRAS
Simone La Padula
Francesco D'Andrea
Barbara Hersant
Michele Maruccia
Emanuele Cigna
Nicola Rocco
Mario Giuliano
Grazia Arpino
Giovanni Roccaro
Fabrizio Schonauer
Marzia Salgarello
Benedetto Longo
Giuseppe Visconti
Paolo Persichetti
Beniamino Brunetti
Pierluigi Canta
Gianfranco Orlandino
Francesca Mosella
Sergio Razzano
Corrado Campisi
Luigi Troisi
Vittorio Ramella
Giovanni Papa
Mario Cherubino
Chiara Stocco
Rosita Pensato
🇬🇧 TThe Course aims to provide knowledge on the anatomy and physiology of the mammary gland, guidelines on the treatment of breast carcinoma with the latest medical and surgical therapeutic strategies, oncoplastic techniques, different indications for breast reconstruction, and different methods of post-oncological breast reconstruction. The main objective of the course is to illustrate all the breast reconstruction methods available today, the importance of custom-made reconstructive surgery, indications for the use of autologous tissues and prostheses. Particular attention will be given to the use of the microsurgical DIEP flap, other perforating flaps, and the muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap. The theoretical courses will be integrated with live surgery. The faculty consists of international experts in breast reconstruction. The courses will be in English and Italian. At the end of the course, students will be able to provide the right indications for the surgical intervention and choose the most suitable technique for the specific case.
Structure of the training path:
1. lessons, laboratories, exercises in:
Anatomy and pathology of the breast
Reconstructive surgery of the breast, conservative surgery techniques, Skin Reducing Nipple Sparing Mastectomy
Mammary oncology
Lipofilling and related oncological risk
Conservative surgery for breast cancer
2. Individual training activities: internship / training / seminars.